T-Shirt Release/ Photo Show in Tokyo
Thanks to everyone who came out to the T-shirt release/ Photo show at Prov in Tokyo a few days ago. And many thanks to Sage and all at Prov, and especially to Uru for organizing everything.
The shirt features the photo of Ben Gore ollieing over Leo Valls, during filming of the 'Old Woops' video; it was originally published in 43 Magazine.
I also made a limited edition zine for the event, with some old photos and photocopied distortions..
The shirt (and a few of the zines) are available at good shops in Japan, thanks to Kukunochi distribution.
A handful of shirts and zines will also be available here, just as soon as the SHOPPE page goes back up (in a week or so).
For now, here are some photos from the night.
Arigatou gozaimasu.